Overseas Trainer Application is not restrictive and is open to any European or International Dog Trainer and offers the opportunity for experienced and qualified overseas service Instructors/Trainers in core disciplines such as GP, DDD, and EDD to gain NASDU accreditation as an acknowledgement of their existing experience and training skills.
The Affiliate Overseas Trainers Scheme includes NASDU Individual Membership.
The scheme of Affiliate Overseas Trainer will be certificated by NASDU.
The scheme is achieved following presentation and moderation of a portfolio of evidence and will run for a 12-month period following approval.
There is no time limit as to how long an individual can remain as an Affiliate Overseas Trainer.
Assessment and internal moderation of the Affiliate Overseas Trainers portfolio will be by NASDU Assessor(s)
The programme is by presentation of a portfolio of evidence (see Prior Learning).
NASDU shall ‘E’ certificate as an “Affiliate Overseas Trainer/Individual Member” following successful moderation of their portfolio. The qualification shall also state “in acknowledgement of (country) qualifications achieved”.
Certification shall be for the individual named Trainer and not for their or their employers Company (see Fact Sheet “NASDU Affiliate Overseas Company Membership Scheme”).
Overseas Trainers wishing assistance with their application should contact NASDU Head Office, your details may then be passed to an independent UK NASDU Approved Instructor/Trainer to act as a consultant on your behalf.
Affiliate Overseas Trainers can progress into other disciplines of dog training or into security management and consultancy.
Overseas Trainers moving back to the UK may wish to consider NASDU Approved Instructor/Trainer (see Fact Sheet “How to Become a NASDU Approved Instructor/Trainer”).
Initial Application Verification Fee £35.00
Individual Membership £25.00
£60.00 (UK £)
Annual Fee
Overseas Affiliate Trainer Membership Fee £35.00 (UK £)
Account Name: NASDU
Account No: 49749358
Sort Code: 60-02-20
IBAN: GB49NWBK60022049749358 BIC: NWBKGB2L
NASDU as a Membership Association reserves the right to decline an application without formal explanation.
Administration Office (Certification & Membership Enquiries)
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 01483 224 320 (Option 1)
Head Office (Centre Approval Enquiries)
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 01483 224 320 (Option 2)