NASDU Security Dog Team Verification   CLICK HERE
NASDU Security Dog Team Verification   CLICK HERE

Nasdu Associate Company (Assessed Status) Fact Sheet

NASDU currently has an arrangement with the following assessing bodies:

NASDU Associate Companies having been assessed under the SIA Approved Contractor Scheme (ACS) may apply to NASDU Head Office for Assessed Company Status, subject to the following conditions being fully met:

  • Associate Company must have been a NASDU Member for a minimum of 12 months
  • Assessment must be carried out by an SIA/UKAS approved assessing body (see above)
  • Assessment must include product standard scope to the following standards:
    • BS 10800, BS 7499, and BS 8517 (Parts 1 or 2)
  • Assessing body assessor must be approved by NASDU
  • Assessment must be valid for full duration of Associate Company Membership

Any Associate Company considering the above, are advised to contact NASDU Head Office prior to any contractual commitment to their nominated assessing body, as acknowledgement of assessed status, it is not automatically guaranteed.

Head Office (Centre Approval Enquiries)

Email: [email protected]
Tel: 01483 224 320 (Option 2)